A hard to forget song if you’ve ever split screen deathmatched or raced on it with silly cute rabbit noises :D I’m so very happy I found the text: “Alexander Brandon”. I’m a huge fan of this guy. It’s one of those handful of people that I somehow felt had a big impact on my life and over the years I kept trying to track him down but he disappeared. So here’s what I know: he was part of Straylight productions, a group that made brilliant music for Unreal. I think they later split up and each probably became big in their way. I think i found some traces of them on last.fm. Other games in which you can get a taste of their brilliant work are Crusader: No Regret & Jazz (2?). I remember I was staring impressed in a time when under Marius’s tutelage i was learning about making music on trackers such as Fasttracker/Madtracker/Ittracker (modtracker?) … and i was amazed how he would use amazingly many challenge to simulate on low machines complex sound effects, make true stereo depth stuff, and generally manage to create out of looping simple stuff that took lil memory and cpu music that sounded original and non-repetitive.
Song of Da Day: Laboratory level – Jazz the JackRabbit